The £3.9bn company said that the additional hires will be based in its art-deco headquarters in Camden, north London, with the majority of new head office staff having expertise in technology, merchandising and retail buying.
Asos is also taking on an extra 40,000 sq ft of space in the building, a former Carrera cigarette factory, and investing £40m in the expansion.
The job hires follow moves by Facebook, Google and McDonalds to boost their investment in the UK, despite concerns that Brexit might make the country less attractive to international businesses.
Nick Beighton, Asos chief executive, said that the expansion and recruitment drive had “been planned well before 23 June”. “We had a think about it shortly after and we are very happy with where the business has been positioned.”
Asos is the UK’s biggest online fashion retailer
Mr Beighton also told Bloomberg that Asos was considering opening more manufacturing plants in Britain over the next three to four years to take advantage of a weaker pound, which has made domestic production more affordable. Currently only 4pc of Asos products are made in its two factories in London.
The company has said that it pays above the living wage, does not use zero-hour contracts and regularly encourages staff to take breaks. Asos has invested £81m into the Barnsley warehouse since 2011 – where 4,000 people work – and the company plans to invest another £23m over the next 12 months.
Mr Beighton said that Asos’ latest hiring was a further sign that “Asos isn’t the big, bad wolf. What the unions have been saying isn’t true. We have invested in Barnsley and will continue to do so.”
The new office will include health and workout facilities, a quiet zone library and cafes as well as a concierge service and technology bar, to help employees with their non-work related needs.
“Asos customers are 20-somethings and so are most of its employees,” said Nathan Lonsdale, partner from Spacelab, the architects behind the redevelopment. “Asos gets that a smart, young workforce needs a workspace that celebrates their needs and their talents.
“Flexibility and mobility are incredibly important when maximising collaboration in a dynamic working environment like at Asos,” Mr Lonsdale added. “The space will reflect the personality of the company and its bold ambitions for the future.” 10:43:132017-03-24 11:23:36Asos to create 1,500 new jobs in the UK over the next three years
Facebook is exploring a feature to allow companies to create job postings and receive applications. Here’s what it could mean for job seekers, recruiters, and the competition.
Image: iStockphoto/Rawpixel
Job seekers may soon have another platform for their search: Facebook recently announced that it was testing a feature that would allow companies to post jobs directly on the social media site, offering competition for job sites such as LinkedIn and Indeed.
“Based on behavior we’ve seen on Facebook, where many small businesses post about their job openings on their Page, we’re running a test for Page admins to create job postings and receive applications from candidates,” a Facebook spokesperson told TechRepublic. The company declined to offer any other information.
The move marks another foray for Facebook in engaging users in aspects of life beyond connecting with others. In October, the social media giant launched Marketplace, a page to buy and sell items with people in your community. Around the same time, it also announced the release of Workplace, a communications and collaboration platform for professionals.
For job seekers, Facebook has a competitive advantage against LinkedIn when it comes to user bases: Some 1.79 billion people have Facebook accounts, compared to just 467 million people with LinkedIn accounts. Most of LinkedIn’s revenue comes from charging corporate recruiters to connect with job candidates.
“This is part of the Facebook world domination plan,” said Shama Hyder, CEO of Marketing Zen. Hyder said it seems that the company is trying to move into the same space as the Chinese website WeChat, which is less like a social network and more like a complete internet on its own. On that platform, people can send money, get directions, and keep up with friends.
“Facebook wants to be the one stop shop for people online,” Hyder said. “This is great news for job seekers, especially in the tech field, because if the old adage is true—that friends and your network is what gets you your next job—that just got a whole lot easier.”
Facebook also knows it has lost some younger users to Snapchat, Hyder said, and executives want to continue to entrench it as a mega giant—not a company that fades with time.
Some recruiters said they don’t expect a Facebook jobs feature to impact the field. “LinkedIn is pretty much the ‘go-to’ social media site for business networking and jobs, while Facebook is mainly for friends and social,” said Jennifer Yeko, founder of Ninja Recruiting. “I don’t think it will be a game changer at all.”
However, tech jobs are more difficult to fill than others—if tech applicants are more likely to apply to a tech job opening through Facebook over LinkedIn, that could make a difference in that field specifically, she said.
Most recruiting teams today don’t need a higher volume of candidates, but rather, higher quality candidates, according to Leela Srinivasan, former LinkedIn employee and current CMO of Lever.
Research from Lever, released last month, found that only one in 152 people who apply for a job via a career site or job board is hired, compared to one in 72 proactively sourced passive candidates, and one in 16 employee referrals.
“Simply put, if Facebook is successful in helping companies connect with higher quality applicants—not just more candidates—that are a better match for the role at hand, there’s potential for them to add a lot of value to jobseekers and companies alike,” Srinivasan said.
Facebook’s latest venture into recruitment could bring positive effects to all three parties in the job search, according to Perry Oostdam, cofounder and CEO of Recruitee. Job seekers, especially millennials who already use Facebook daily, will appreciate the ability to apply seamlessly in one online experience.
Further, “in this job seekers’ market, employers find it harder and harder to make their vacancies reach the potential candidates,” Oostdam said. “With Facebook joining the party, it automatically becomes the biggest online talent pool ever. This is of extreme interest to employers whose job posting options won’t limit to job boards and LinkedIn anymore.”
Competitors like LinkedIn will need to innovate, Oostdam said. “LinkedIn has become the go-to place for employers to post jobs. It might have been resting on its laurels, but now it’s time to wake up and innovate,” Oostdam said. “Facebook is a serious threat—it possesses the largest social network with the most active users after all. This competition will benefit job seekers and employers alike—job postings will be more accessible and inclusive.”
The 3 big takeaways for TechRepublic readers
Facebook recently said that it is testing a feature that would allow companies to post jobs directly on the social media site and take applications from candidates.
The social media giant’s move into the job board space could mean trouble for competitor LinkedIn, which has 467 million members compared to Facebook’s 1.79 billion members.
Some recruiters say they believe Facebook’s potential new features could be a boon to job seekers and recruiters, while others doubt that it will have a major impact on the space. 10:49:202017-03-24 11:24:16Facebook testing a jobs feature, set to compete with LinkedIn, Indeed
Three UK universities have lost their place in the top 200 of a global higher education league table.
The universities of Reading, Dundee and Newcastle slipped out of the top 200 of the Times Higher Education (THE) World Rankings for 2014-15.
Five others – Heriot-Watt, Keele, Liverpool John Moores University, Loughborough and the University of Surrey – are no longer in the top 400.
However, Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial College London remain in the top 10.
Holding on to the top spot for the fourth consecutive year is the California Institute of Technology in the United States.
Harvard University is in second place and the University of Oxford is in third.
1. California Institute of Technology, US
2. Harvard University, US
3. University of Oxford, UK
4. Stanford University, US
5. University of Cambridge, UK
6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US
7. Princeton University, US
8. University of California, Berkeley, US
9. Imperial College London, UK
= Yale University, US
11. University of Chicago, US
12. University of California, Los Angeles, US
13. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
14. Columbia University, US
15. Johns Hopkins University, US
16. University of Pennsylvania, US
17. University of Michigan, US
18. Duke University, US
19. Cornell University, US
20. University of Toronto, Canada
Capital appeal
London has the greatest concentration of first-class universities with four in the top 40 – more than any other city in the world – and seven in the top 200.
Leading Asian institutions are continuing to rise up the rankings.
Asia now has 24 universities in the world top 200, up from 20 last year. Two Asian universities – Tokyo University and the National University of Singapore – now make the world top 25 and six others make the top 50.
The rankings rate universities worldwide on 13 measures including teaching, research and international outlook – such as numbers of overseas students and staff.
Phil Baty, the editor of THE World University Rankings, said that, while the UK had more top-200 universities than any other nation except the US, the new data raised a number of key concerns.
The rankings rate universities worldwide on 13 measures, including teaching
“Overall, the UK’s representation among the world’s leading universities is declining – three leading names fell out of the top 200 this year, and two others occupy 198th and 199th place.
“Five UK universities lost their top 400 places. This loss of power and influence is not good for the UK’s overall competitiveness in the global knowledge economy.”
Mr Baty also raised concerns about the dominance of the south-east of England in the rankings.
“The five top UK institutions in the world are all from the South East ‘golden triangle’ of Oxford, Cambridge and London. Indeed, of the nine English universities in the world top 100, six are from London and the South East.”
3 – University of Oxford (2)
5 – University of Cambridge (7)
9 – Imperial College London (10)
22 – University College London (21)
34 – London School of Economics and Political Science (32)
36 – University of Edinburgh (39)
40 – King’s College London (38)
52 – University of Manchester (58)
74 – University of Bristol (79)
83 – Durham University (80)
94 – Glasgow (117)
103 – Warwick (141)
107 – Queen Mary, University of London (114)
=111 – St Andrews (117)
= 111 – Sussex (121)
113 – York (100)
118 – Royal Holloway, University of London (102)
121 – Sheffield (112)
131 – Lancaster (137)
132 – Southampton (146)
146 – Leeds (139)
148 – Birmingham (153)
154 – Exeter (148)
157 – Liverpool (169)
171 – Nottingham (157)
178 – Aberdeen (188)
196 – St George’s, University of London (-)
198 – East Anglia (174)
199 – Leicester (161)
Reading University Vice-Chancellor, Sir David Bell, said although the placing was disappointing, “we do remain ranked among the world’s best universities.
“We do world-class work on issues of critical global importance like climate change, food security and public health. And we have long-term investment plans in place as we seek to return to the top 200 as quickly as possible.
“One cannot read too much into a single year’s rankings. Global league tables are highly volatile indicators. The fact that some UK universities have risen and fallen up to almost 40 places year-on-year shows it is much more important to look at longer-term trends over time.”
Sir David said pressure from overseas institutions showed “the critical importance for government to sustain research funding and implement a clear immigration policy so we keep the doors open to talented overseas students and staff.”
A spokesman for Dundee University said: “This latest result comes in the context of improved standings for Dundee in several other league tables, including the 2014 National Student Survey, in which we achieved record results, and the latest Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey, which rated us top in Scotland and joint 4th in the UK.
“The THE World University Rankings demonstrate the increasing competition facing UK universities from higher education institutions in emerging economies across the world.”
A Newcastle University spokesperson said: “It is of course disappointing to drop down to 202 in the Times Higher rankings, but, in the case of THE there does seem to be a sector-wide effect with many more UK universities losing ground to Asia-Pacific institutions.
“This may be as a result of the methodology, or the simple fact that other universities have improved at a faster pace than the UK as a result of increased government investment.”
Levels of research income for the university were more than £120m, student satisfaction was high and 94% of Newcastle graduates were in work or further education within six months of leaving Newcastle, the spokesman added.
The general secretary of the University and College Union, Sally Hunt, said: “We have to recognise that our standing is under threat if we don’t match our competitors.
“The Asian countries are seeing their universities climb the table because of strong support from government, while we face further cuts. Unless we wake up to this reality, we risk falling behind.”
Ref: 14:11:142017-03-24 11:24:45UK Universities Slip Down International Rankings
Many job seekers fail to see the benefits in building a strong relationship with a recruiter. However, a recruiter can be an integral piece in the hiring process when it comes to the hiring manager’s final decision.
There are 3 reasons why you should be upfront with your recruiter throughout the interview process.
1. You will get free coaching.
Let’s face it, recruiters are experts when it comes to interviewing and hiring. If you’ve found a good recruiter, you will have access to a plethora of interviewing advice. Guidance on interview attire, behavior, as well as follow up advice are important tips that can help you land the job.
Knowing when it’s appropriate to ask certain questions throughout the interview process is something that many job seekers struggle with. Your recruiter should know and advise you on the appropriate questions to ask throughout the interview process.
In addition, if the hiring manager has a sweet spot when it comes to a certain skill-set, the recruiter will know and will be able to inform you of this prior to your interview.
Also, do not be hesitant to disclose previous problems in your work history. When you have a previous employment issue from your past, your recruiter will be able to help you properly position this with the client so there are no surprises down the road.
The ways in which a recruiter can help out throughout the interview process are numerous. Who wouldn’t want to take advantage of free interview coaching from an expert in the field?
2. The recruiter often has access to the hidden job market.
Maybe your recruiter doesn’t have an immediate job that fits all your requirements right now. However, that doesn’t mean that you should push the recruiter off and not explain your key desires.
Recruiters quite often have access to job opportunities before they ever hit the job boards. Having a shot at a job that hasn’t even been posted yet is a huge benefit and can put you miles ahead of other talent in your field.
3. Your recruiter can influence the hiring decision.
When it comes down to it, the recruiter actually works for the hiring manager. However, don’t misunderstand what this means for you. If you are a good fit for the position, you definitely want the recruiter on your side.
Hiring managers partner with recruiters because they rely on the recruiter’s assessment when it comes to the right candidate. If your recruiter has your back, she can influence the hiring manager in making a final decision as well as an appropriate offer that can guarantee a signed agreement between you and the hiring manager.
By being upfront with your recruiter in the beginning, she will know how to position your interest and requirements to the hiring manager in order to provide a win-win situation for both you and the hiring manager.
Originally published at 11:51:132017-03-24 11:25:243 Reasons Why You Should Be Upfront With Your Recruiter
If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else?
You’ve no doubt heard motivational messages like this one before, maybe from your manager; perhaps a parent. When you’re clearly in need of some kind of motivational boost and someone rattles off a line like this, it’s easy to shrug it off as a corny, slightly patronising gesture. Thanks, but no thanks!
The thing is, we do need to believe in ourselves if we want others to. We are our own harshest critics; the first to call ourselves stupid or beat ourselves up about missing an opportunity. We put immense pressure on ourselves to achieve the unachievable, and when we don’t; stress about how we could have done things better. These thought patterns are poisonous and slowly sabotage our chances at success. As much as we’d hate to admit it, often we are actually to blame for bringing ourselves down.
The good news is it’s never too late to pep ourselves back up. Sometimes all it takes is a little self-reflection and resistance. If you want to start achieving great things, these are the toxic habits you’ll need to break first:
1. Comparing yourself to others
If you look around your office or scroll through your Facebook news feed, it’s easy to convince yourself everyone’s more successful than you. When you start to feel like you’re lagging behind your peers, friends or family members, you need to stop right there. Everyone is leading totally unique lives, full of different challenges and successes. Nobody likes to broadcast their troubles; so you’re probably comparing your bloopers to their highlight reel anyway (as the saying goes). Stop focussing on everyone else, and start concentrating on reaching your own potential.
2. Taking too much on
Living life on the verge of a major panic attack from being overworked is incredibly unhealthy; both physically and mentally. Stop saying ‘yes’ to everything, and learn how to say ‘no’. Taking on an unrealistic workload and over-committing yourself will leave you feeling exhausted all the time, and will strip the enjoyment out of everything you do. You’ll start resenting everything that eats into your precious energy stores and things you used to enjoy will likely become burdens. Recognising your tendency to burn yourself out is the first step in breaking this habit. Stop letting guilt pressure you into spreading yourself thin.
3. Failing to switch off
Mastering the art of relaxing outside of work hours is difficult to do, but imperative to your success. If you want to start each day feeling refreshed and motivated, you need to learn how to switch off when you leave the office. Stop checking your work emails at 10:30pm before you go to bed; stop taking client calls at dinner time. Remember, you work to live; not the other way around. The sooner you prioritise ‘switching off’ when you’re not on duty, the sooner you’ll start to feel your energy levels and drive at work increase.
4. Holding onto your mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes; no one is perfect. Holding onto past slip-ups and misfortunes will only prevent you from moving forward. If you keep referencing your failures and obsessing over how and why you let it happen, you’ll only feel lower about yourself and hold yourself back form accepting new challenges, for fear of failing.
5. Making self-deprecating comments
This one’s not really a silent habit, as it involves talking, but the quiet mental fallout that occurs after you’ve brought yourself down is where the real damage manifests. Stop selling yourself short and making jokes at your own expense. A cheap laugh like this will cut into your confidence. The moment you start taking yourself seriously and supporting your own goals is the moment others will follow suit.
Originally published here: 12:13:052017-03-24 11:25:595 Silent Habits That Are Affecting Your Success
When pursuing a dream job, your CV will need to impress recruiters and show them that you are a strong suitable candidate. But what exactly do recruiters like us want to see in a CV and how do we need the information presented?
The first hurdle
Firstly, you must persuade recruiters to open your CV. Even the best CV in the world is useless if it sits unopened in a recruiter’s inbox. To ensure that recruiters open your CV in the first place, you must include a powerful cover note to tempt them in. Keep your cover note short and sharp to save the reader time and provide a summary of how your skills and experience match the job advert requirements. Remember to address the recruiter by name and write in a friendly tone to create a good impression and start to build a rapport with them.
Recruiters scan your CV for relevant content
Once a recruiter has opened your CV, the first thing they will do, is spend an initial 6-10 seconds scanning the CV for the essential skills and knowledge. This is initial scan is just to ensure that your CV has enough of the role’s candidate requirements, before they invest the time read your CV in full. If your CV doesn’t pass this quick scan, then it’s likely that the recruiter will close your CV down and move on to the next one. To ensure that your CV makes an instant impact when opened, make it easy to read and highlight the skills that are relevant to your target roles. Use a clear simple font, break text up, structure the pages well and make your relevant talents prominent.
Recruiters focus on your current role
Your current or most recent role is by far the biggest indicator of what you are capable of at this stage of your career; so recruiters will spend a lot of time studying this section of your CV. They want to know things like:
Your position within the organisation
Overall goal of your role
People you interact with (managers, suppliers, customers etc.)
Tools/software used (IT packages, machinery, hardware etc.)
Work produced (reports, websites, physical products etc.)
Targets and achievements
Write about your current role in great detail to give recruiters lots of information and show exactly what you have contributed to your employer. Older roles can be shortened down and summarised to save space on your CV.
Recruiters look for numbers
Facts and figures are excellent indicators of value for recruiters because they give an idea of the scale of impact you have created. So recruiters love to see numbers on your CV that quantify the results you have achieved for yourself, employers and clients. When writing your CV, try to add some measurable achievements such as:
Generated 150 unit sales in 3 months
Resolved 95% of complaints in 24 hours
Cut department spending by 15%
Recruiters are very cautious
Recruiters work hard to maintain good relationships with hiring managers and providing bad candidates can seriously damage those relationships. For this reason, recruiters are very careful about which CVs they recommend for positions. Things like gaps in employment and sloppy formatting can be enough to worry recruiters into leaving out of the shortlist. Don’t give recruiters any chance to doubt you; ensure that your CV looks professional and has no deal-breaking mistakes.
Originally published at: 11:50:342017-03-24 11:26:19CV Tips: What Recruiters Are Looking For
When you’re sitting in a job interview, you’re going to be fielding a lot of questions from a hiring manager. However, many applicants forget that the interview is the ideal time for them to ask some questions of their own. While the hiring manager wants to ensure that you’re a good fit for their organization, you also want to get a sense of what this company is all about too. To do that, make sure to ask the following questions:
What’s the biggest issue facing the company and how might I be able to help?
This gives you some insight into how you can be most useful should you get hired. It also gives you a look into where the company’s main areas of focus might be. For example, if they’re telling you that they’re in desperate need of a new website, you can then speak to your familiarity with working on this type of project as you go about the rest of the interview.
How does your company define success?
This will let you know whether the organization is a good fit for you. It also allows you to get a sense of how to get ahead should you get hired. Whether success is measured in numbers, an attitude, ideas, or all of the above, having this information in advance is valuable.
Do you offer opportunities for further training or professional development for your employees?
You want to work for a company that invests in its employees, and this is one way to tell if this is the case. As an added bonus, it shows that you’re interested in continuing to improve yourself and learn more.
Do you have plans for new products or services?
Make sure to research ahead of time so you know that there’s nothing in the news that you should know about before you ask this question. If it’s clear there’s not, ask away, as it can give you some insight as to how your time with the company may be spent if you get the job. This is also another question that lets you tailor your answers so that you can show off your skills and illustrate how you’d be an essential part of that new product they’re hoping to launch.
What is the next step in the process?
It’s okay to ask the hiring manager to demystify their process for you a little bit. Depending on the person, you may get a lot of clarity—they tell you they’re interviewing three other people and will get back to you in a few weeks, for example—or they may be more vague. Either way, you’ll leave with a better sense of what to expect.
Originally published at: 09:32:482017-03-24 11:27:015 Must Ask Job Interview Questions
Finding a job that suits your personality and long-term career desires can be exceptionally difficult, especially right after college graduation. But getting hired by an organization that you actually care about with a work environment you enjoy is the key to a happy work life. After all, the average American will spend 8.9 hours per day at work or doing work-related things such as commuting.
Perhaps the best way in which to determine the type of career you need to be happy is to take the time to assess yourself and what motivates you to do well. How much time sitting in an office are you willing to tolerate? Do you need alone time to be productive or a more collaborative work environment? Finally, think about management; do you need freedom or direction to be your best at work?
Is Office Life Your Style?
Office life is often defined by one thing: amount of time spent in front of a computer screen. And with new technologies emerging every day that need someone qualified to use them, it seems like these are the types of jobs most likely to be hiring. For example, with the implementation of big data, more and more companies are hiring data analysts to help them understand their customer base, save time and money, and to make more informed company decisions. Over 75 percent of business owners want their companies to be more analytics driven, which has led to a boom in that job market.
In the age where nearly every job has some computer component, it is essential to ask yourself how much screen time you can handle. If you are the type that gets antsy after only an hour of computer work, that is definitely something to consider during a job search because you are unlikely to find happiness sitting for eight or more hours at a time. If you do go that route remember, adapting to a sedentary working lifestyle can be incredibly difficult, especially if you are used to a college schedule, so take the time to make sure you can find ways to stay active in the office.
Are You a Social Butterfly?
Some people are able to spend their entire day talking with coworkers, yet still manage to be some of the most productive people in the office. These are the people that thrive in conditions that promote communication and collaboration such as open floor plans. These employees work best by interacting with their peers and brainstorming ideas together.
If this doesn’t describe you, don’t worry. Another important trait to understand about yourself to aid in your job search is how much time you need alone to still be productive. A lot of people are in need of a balance between social and isolated work environments throughout the day. After understanding what you need to be both happy and productive it is important to ask interviewers how their office layout compares.
Can You Find Management That Works for You?
In addition to understanding how much time you want to spend collaborating with coworkers, make sure to have an idea of how much oversight you want from a manager. Some of the most successful managers are able to gauge how much interaction you need with them and adjust their management strategies to correlate. However, not all are like that.
Identifying if you work best with a set of tasks and guidance or rather general goals and creative space is key in determining if you will work well with a certain manager. Bad managers, or differing work styles between managers and employees, are frequently cited as the number one reason that a person leaves a job willingly. For that reason, it can save a lot of hassle to ask about management oversight during an interview and decide if it would be right for you.
Having an understanding about your basic requirements for workplace happiness can open a number of surprising doors for careers that you may have never thought of yourself in. Furthermore, it can eliminate a number of jobs that sounds like a fit on the surface. Evaluating your willingness to spend time with computers, desired level of coworker collaboration, and necessary manager involvement can be a huge step towards finding the career that YOU love.
Originally published at: 14:04:502017-03-24 11:27:223 Ways To Find A Job That You Love
As we’re growing up, we’re often asked what we want to be. As small children our answer is obviously always incredibly basic and typically influenced by the careers we are frequently exposed to: doctor, police officer, trash collector, etc. Even after we’ve reached adulthood sometimes our ideas of career opportunities can be pretty narrow.
For many, it isn’t until we reach college (and sometimes after) and begin exploring the realities of different careers that the job opportunity door blows open. We suddenly realize that there is so much more to becoming a doctor, a scientist, or even a lawyer than we previously thought; there are specialties within specialties. It is around this point when many of us acknowledge there are multitudes of ways in which to achieve projected career goals.
Same Dog, New Tricks
To elaborate this point with a medical example, the majority of us tend to think broadly of the medical field as limited to doctors and nurses. However, this is certainly not the case. Healthcare facilities have administrative staff, HR personnel, maintenance crews, medical technicians, and more. Even doctors and nurses can vary widely based upon their specialties which can range from pediatrics, to neuroscience, to gerontology.
Depending upon the specialty, the lines between doctors and nurses can even begin to blur. In fact, the rift between doctors and nurses has gotten progressively smaller over the past few decades. For this reason, if your career goal is to help people with health conditions have a higher quality of life, limiting yourself to only becoming a doctor could greatly reduce your career opportunities.
Lines of Gray
By delving even further into the nuances of all the opportunities to help people within a medical career, you soon realize that even choosing to become a nurse still leaves a great number of options on the table. For instance, if you prefer a fast-pace lifestyle where quick decisions are key, you may prefer becoming an emergency room nurse. If you are more drawn to working with a specific condition you might focus on becoming something like an oncological nurse. There are even options available to those that would like autonomy to develop treatments for patients as a nurse practitioner.
Often times, we are unaware of the many different career choices out there when we enter the job market. Failing to see these lines of gray can limit the types of jobs we search for and apply to, which in turn can make finding a career we love more difficult. This can be the case in nearly every industry if we look properly.
Freedom to Choose
Sometimes finding an alternative path to your career goals can have a number of additional benefits. For instance, some physician’s assistants and nurse practitioners make almost as much as normal doctors. However, these two alternative careers have the added benefit of fewer years of higher education and far fewer student loans.
Additionally, these alternative careers may have more flexible schedules that suit your lifestyle a bit better than a traditional nine to five. They may offer slightly different and unique opportunities to you as an employee as well.
Becoming aware of the vast array of differing career opportunities is a great way to find alternative ways in which to meet your career goals. Frequently, we are unaware of a number of job openings that are available that meet these goals because we are unsure of the variety of similar positions out there. As you step into the job market be sure to keep an open eye for these potential alternative careers.
Originally published at 11:42:542017-03-24 11:27:43Alternative Ways To Reach Your Career Goals
No matter how experienced you are professionally, networking events can be overwhelming. You’re thrown into a room with dozens and dozens of people you don’t know, and you have a limited of time to make an impression. While it’s tempting to stand in the corner and sip your drink nervously, here are some tips on making the most of your time at these types of professional events:
Head into the Event with a Goal in Mind
Do you want to talk to a specific person who you know will be there? Do you want to exchange cards with three people? Perhaps you want to talk with someone who has a management role in your field. Setting goals for yourself ahead of time makes it easier to track your success.
Don’t Bombard People with Requests
Networking events are a great way to get to know other professionals, but they’re not the time to start hounding people with requests. Get to know the other person and focus on building a relationship first. If you introduce yourself and immediately start inundating the individual with requests, you’ll position yourself as someone who’s just there to use others, even if this isn’t really the case.
Listen More Than You Talk
No one wants to get caught listening to someone give a monologue. To be a desirable conversation partner at a networking event, make it a point to ask questions about the other person. What do they like about their job? What are their hobbies? Do they have children? What brought them to the area? Offer up relevant details about yourself as they come up, but don’t spend the whole time going on and on about your own accomplishments.
Listen Closely
The best way to have a conversation with someone you just met is by listening carefully. When they provide an answer to a question, actually listen to what they’re saying and ask follow-up questions based on their response. When you sit there and pepper someone with questions without listening to what they’ve just told you, don’t be shocked when they start looking for a way to politely exit the discussion.
Keep in Contact After the Event
You can have dozens of productive conversations at the event, but if you fall off the face of the planet once you walk out the door then you’ve just wasted your time. In order to build a strong network, stay in touch afterwards. Connect on LinkedIn or Twitter, send an e-mail telling the person it was nice to meet them, and make it a point to meet up again at a later date.
Originally published at: 12:09:102017-03-24 11:28:09How to Make Your Own Luck at Networking Events